Welcome to
Frühstückstreff Detroit

On Sunday, August 3, the Detroit & Ann Arbor group will get together at 11:00 a.m. at Zingermann’s Deli in Ann Arbor. We have reserved a table in the name of »Frühstückstreff«, and there will be a sign fruehstueckstreff.org on the table to direct you. Please join the guest list to allow us to estimate the number of participants. Bring your friends, if you like. If you have any questions about Frühstückstreff, you’re welcome to read more about us or contact the organizers by mail, either in English or German. Frühstückstreff is offered free of charge, you pay only what you eat and drink.
Frühstückstreff Dates
- Sunday, 2003-04-06, Frühstückstreff
- Sunday, 2003-05-04, Frühstückstreff
- Sunday, 2003-06-01, Frühstückstreff
- Sunday, 2003-07-06, Frühstückstreff
- Sunday, 2003-08-03, Frühstückstreff
In the event that we move to a new location, we will inform you and the other members of the guest list via e-mail.
We look forward to seeing you
Redaktion Frühstückstreff
Klaus Schultheis (0 61 51) 59 42 12
Frühstückstreff Detroit on Sunday, 3 August, at 11:00 a.m.
Zingermann’s422 Detroit Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
From I-94, take Ann Arbor’s State Street exit (#177) north to Kingsley. Turn left. We’re at the corner of Kingsley and Detroit Streets. From M14, exit at Main Street (Exit 3), take Main Street south to Kingsley. Turn left. Zingermann’s is at the corner of Kingsley and Detroit Streets.
Please join the guest list, if you would like to be invited to Frühstückstreff breakfast meetings and other events. We will keep you informed of upcoming events in your area. Tell your friends about Frühstückstreff if you like the idea.